
Welcome To "Fight"

People need to Fight for a fair and just world both now and for the future! The future of the planet, its environment and its wildlife is under threat. Human greed, selfishness and nastiness threaten our planet. Honest, caring people need to Fight for a better world both now and into the future!

The world is in a huge transitional phase which many people embrace but many people are doing all that they can to resit and deny it!

Climate change is real, is happening now and will be devastating in the future. NASA, NOAA, climate scientists and other scientists are all warning of the dangers of the earth's temperatures rising above 1.50C from the temperature of 1990.

The transition from fossil fuels for power generation and transport to renewable energy, grid storage batteries and electric vehicles is a massive disruption to how things have been for a hundred years.

The earth's natural world and wildlife is under threat due to habitat loss, rising temperatures and exploitation.

People need to Fight for our future, a better way of life both now and in the future and for the future of this planet. However, those who have vested interests in the fossil fuel energy industry, those in the fossil fuel vehicle industry oppose these changes and show a total lack of integrity, honesty amf truthfulness. They will stop at nothing to resist change and the loss of income for their businesses. 

People Need To Fight For:
The Reduction of Global Warming
Governments and experts worldwide are working to reduce climate change and are aiming to achieve Net Zero by 2050. Earth's temperatures are rising and already they are having a disastrous effect on the planet. The most obvious sign of a warming planet has been the massive melting of the world's glaciers, polar ice, Greenland's ice, the world's snow and pemafrost.   

Honesty in the Media

What we watch and read is being manipulated. We are not being told the truth. Vested interests and big businesses don't want the truth being known, They want ultimate power and control of our lives. They do things to that make them money, not what is best for the country and the planet.

The Environment
Each year natural environments around the world are being reduced, forests being chopped down and more animal, bird and fish species are becoming threatened or extinct.

The Transition to Electric Vehicles
The fossil fuel industry is huge and the profits run into billions of dollars. This industry is not going to sit idly by and see their business fade away. The industry employs millions of people, from the drilling of the oil, the refining of it, the transport of it around the world, the sale of these products to motorists, truck drivers, the airplane industry and other forms of transport.

These are under threat with the rise of EV sales worldwide. The oil industry and the fossil fuel vehicle makers are going to discredit and lie about EVs to reduce their sales.

The Increase in Renewable Energy
Governments worldwide have guaranteed to increase renewable energy in their copuntries to reduce global warming. Renewable energy is the cheapest form of energy generation on the planet. The fossil fuel industry and the nuclear power industry will do all that they can to stop the growth of renewable energy worldwide.

The Greatest Truth Is Honesty!

We Should All Strive To Be Honest!