The Truth About Global Warming

The Truth About Global Warminmg

Global Warming Will Severely Damage
Our Planet And Our Way Of Life!

World Temperatures are rising. Some cities and places will be too hot to live in.
Animals, plants, fish and insects are dying as the temperatures rise.
People and governments must act now before it is too late!

World Temperatures are rising. Some cities and places will be too hot to live in. Animals, plants, fish and insects are dying as the temperatures rise. People and governments must act now before it is too late. The future of our planet is at stake!

Global Warming
Global warming occurs because humans create a lot of gases and pollution which rise into the atmosphere and form a barrier with space. These gases stop the heat that hits the earth from the sun being reflected back into space. The worst gases for this are CO2 and methane.

Gradually this barrier causes the temperature of the planet to rise. This has many bad effects on the planet like record temperatures, more wildfires, floods, cyclones and droughts.

Global Warming is caused by air pollutants including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and synthetic fluorinated gases trapping heat in the atmosphere. These are know as greenhouse gases and they cause an effect called the Greenhouse effect. The world must stop the amount of these gases being released into the atmosphere.

Glaciers and ice around the planet are the first indicators of Global Warming. All of the world's glaciers, snow, ice and permafrost are melting which in turn will make the worlds seas and ocean rise. Animals and birds which live in these areas will find it continually more difficult to survive.

If world temperatures continue to rise the world's oceans will rise to the point where many island nations will be flooded and coastal areas in all countries will be inundated. A vast number of people live near the coast and their homes will be flooded. The inhabitants of flooded islands will be forced to live elsewhere. Rising sea levels will be a huge disaster.

These island people and their leaders are very worried about their future.

Protecting Our Wildlife
The world's wildlife, plants and insects are affected by ring temperatures. Habitat loss causes animals to die and Global Warming will destroy habitats and make it difficult for vulnerable animals to survive.

Many insects are susceptible to rising temperatures. Their part in the food chain means that reducing insect numbers will reduce the number of birds and fish.

Global Warming reduces the amount of fresh water on the planet as lakes and river dry up. The animal species that rely on these waterways will see reduced numbers or even face extinction.

Climate change means increased summer temperatures, colder winters, more storms and more droughts. These lead to a greater loss of habitats for animals, birds, fish and insects. Plans struggle to grow meaning less vegetation for animals to eat. As animal numbers decline, predator animals find less animals to eat and their numbers decline.

Fires, floods, droughts and severe storms increase due to climate change. These natural disasters have a huge impact on wildlife numbers. Plant, animal, bird, fish and insect numbers decline when they can't survive these disasters. 

As animal habitats are reduced by climate change the animals are forced to move closer to human habitation. This creates more times when animals and humans come into contact with each other, which can often lead to bad outcomes for the animals involved. Humans are fearful of predator animals and often take drastic action if they are encountered.

Already there are a huge number of animal species on the verge of extinction. However climate change will push even more species into extinction through loss of habitat, natural disasters, weather conditions in which the animals can't survive and more interactions with humans. Our wildlife needs drastic protection for the future and those important actions need to start now!

Coal Fired Power Stations
Coal fired power stations are terrible  emitters of pollution. It is the most polluting way to produce electricity. When coal is dug up and later burned in power stations, it releases massive amounts of pollution, damaging our health and contributing to climate change.

Coal’s health impacts cost the world hundreds of billions of dollars every year and can cause a range of health problems including higher rates of childhood asthma, heart and lung disease, and cancer. Coal workers in many countries are forced to breathe in coal dust without protection and against acceptable work practices.

Coal dust diseases, including the life-threatening ‘black lung’ disease is still prevalent worldwide. In China, 366,000 deaths were attributed to coal in 2013 alone. In India, coal kills about 169,000 people annually. In the United States, 50,000 coal-related deaths are recorded each year.

When coal is burned it releases a number of airborne toxins and pollutants. They include mercury, lead, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates, and various other heavy metals. Health impacts can range from asthma and breathing difficulties, to brain damage, heart problems, cancer, neurological disorders, and premature death.

Coal-fired power plants, which produce millions of tons of coal ash every year. More than half of that waste ends up in ponds, lakes, landfills, and other sites. Over time, it can contaminate waterways and drinking water supplies.

Coal plants rely heavily on local water supplies. They can use too much water which effects to ecology of the water source or reduces the amount of underground water left.

Climate change is coal’s most serious, long-term, global impact. Coal is mostly carbon which reacts with oxygen in the air when it is burned producing carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide works like a blanket in the upper atmosphere, warming the earth above normal limits.

People Power And Protests
Governments are slow to take action against Global Warming. There are huge costs involved for the governments, businesses and the electricity companies. The fossil fuel industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars and it is lobbying and fighting hard to stop being phased out. Often money is seen as more important than doing what is right for the planet.

Powerful influencers in the fight to stop Global warming are maintaining the rage and protests to put pressure on governmetns to implement changes to stop temperatures from rising. These influencers and climate change leaders have been able to mobilise people and protests in thousands of cities worldwide.

Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish environmental activist known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action to stop climate change. She has a following of millions of people worldwide, especially young people. She has helped organise many mass protests about climate change worldwide.
Sir David Attenboough
David Attenborough has travelled to the remotest parts of the planet filming wildlife and their habitats. Over his 60 years of travels he has witnessed the destruction and reduction of wildlife habitats on the planet and the huge drop in the numbers of animals and birds.

With such huge credibility behind him, David Attenborough implores people and countries worldwide to reduce global warming! He knows that huge numbers of species are under threat and reducing the world's temperatures is vital!

Please Help Save Our Planet!